Wednesday, September 29, 2010


  Well I've started getting into the swing of E-Diets. Yesterday I called the support line and talked with a nutritionist about foods that effect medicine I'm on. They were nothing but nice and willing to help. There is so many tools in the program to insure success.  After talking with E-Diets it was time to try out the wii fit. I started with aerobics. Started out with something that was easy as a kid. Guess what? I"M NOT A KID ANYMORE!!! Hula Hoop was not that hard as a kid. All I can say is thank GOD I was in the house alone. I'm sure Mary would have a video posted on u tube! Trying to keep 1 hoop moving is bad enough but then you have to lean to the left and right to catch more hoops. I have to be making progress cause I can feel it. Then I played the step game. Now that was another good workout. Nothing to funny here just and fat guy with the desire to win. The best thing about this is I can't get voted off like they do on the biggest loser. Everyday I make a smart choice on a meal and get moving on the wii I'm winning. I am learning there are lots of things around me to inspire me. Mine.....Our 5 kids and the 7 grand kids I love very much, but most of all.. I made a promise to grow old with the love of my life Mary.  Till next time remember this: no matter whats going on right now. This to shall pass.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Getting Started

  Well how did I get to be 325 lbs. Would it be a surprise that I love food and I guess lots of it? Seems like the more you eat the less you feel like doing anything to get it off. Soon you find yourself getting up from the table walking to the recliner and watching TV, till it's bed time. Then over the next day's forward it gets really really easy to fall into the rut. Yes I have medical problems that I have been able to use as an excuse not to move around and do anything. The only thing that as done for me is not being able to see my feet when I stand up. Well starting today this is changing!! I going to wear clown shoes!!!! LOL. No I'm starting E-Diets to cut down on my food intake, and using our wii as a fitness trainer.
  If you don't know about E-Diets well let me try to describe what it is. They help you learn what to eat based of a questionnaire you fill out. On it I eat 3 meals and 1 snack each day. It ask if I eat out or cook at home and so forth. I selected cook at home. So each meal it gives you a recipe to fix. If you don't like it you can select something else from a list of 100's of meals. When you have made your selections for a week you can print off a shopping list to make it easy, and cut down on your time in the store to cruse and get stuff you don't need. You can print your recipe so maybe I can be a better cook someday.
  Now to exercise we have a wii game system. I bought the balance board and the fitness program to help get me started turning the flab to a lean mean fighting machine. Last night I sit up program and it really shows what I look like. It has given me a goal of dropping 22 lbs in 3 months.
  So this is what I've started so come along and help me reach my goal of losing 120 lbs.